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German Cosplay Championship and more

Woah, the last weeks were really exhausting! Two months ago I got notice that we really made it to the finals of the German Cosplay Championship. But the only costumes we could use were our Asmodian plate set from Aion (our Druid Tier 8 costumes just weren't "perfect" and were full of mistakes). If you saw our first performance on youtube (video), then you know that we had to improve something. Especially my armor was very huge, heavy and so I could hardly move while wearing it. And it was very, very painfull and a huge part of the fixing was just wrong. I had to improve a lot.

A main problem was that I just glued the fixing, a lot of velcro tape, at my wonderflex armor. So I lost my armor a lot when I walked or just moved.

Now I reworked the whole fixing which was just glued. You see, I used D ring buckles, which were mounted inside of wonderflex. Here you can see it better:

I guess, if you have a really huge and heavy armor the fixing is one of the most important points to make your costume comfortable... or just wearable. It sucks, if you lost some of your costume parts, to don't be sloppy like me (but I also had only one night for the first version of my fixing). And better work redundant!

This was the first version of my pauldron fixing:

I used only one D ring buckle and a bit of velco tape.

Now I added larger velcro tapes (the larger the surface of your vecro tape is, the better is your fixing!), redundant D ring buckles and fixed buckles and tape with wonderflex on my armor. The most parts were also fixed with super magnets. They weren't strong enough for the fixing itself, but they helped to held a special position on my body so my armor couln't slip away.

And don't be scared to be brutal to your armor. I had a lot of problems to walk, because I always stumpled over my wings, which just hanged around. Then I mounted them on a small wooden board and I could run, jump and walk!
And why so much effort which nobody would see???
Because of this!

I wanted to show, that we were able to do more than just to stand around and talk about weird stuff. I wanted a great, dramatic and epic performance and so we had to learn to move in our costumes. He he, and I guess we made it! Despite of us haven't won something at this contest, it was just a great weekend and we are really proud of our achievment and I hope to repeat it someday.
Now I should repair my old perfomance sword, which was only built to get broken and finish my real weapon for this costume.

And by the way... maybe you can also need this technique for one of your costumes: (Sorry for the bad quality of the photos!)

I saw these eyes of the team of brazialian World Cosplay Summit team this year and just HAD to build them, too. The guy with the glowing eyes had some LEDs inside of his mask, I guess. But I hadn't no mask and so I used just a bit of silicone.

Here you see my curcuit. I glued the silcone part at the sides of my face, painted them and hid the battery inside of my wig. It was very easy to build, but I love the final effect!

And now... I'm relaxing a bit. The cosplay year is almost over for me (LondonExpo will be my last convention this year and I will wear my old Tier 8 costume), and I enjoy my new free time. He he, but I have to admit that I got a fabric order today and cannot wait to start with my new projects. But it's just awesome to play a bit World of Warcraft, watch a bit TV and fell asleep with our sorrows death lines and expanding foam exploadings. So, I hope you'll also enjoy the patience in the next few month's and wish you a great time! :)