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Post KodachiKun + Vlog

It's been two weeks since I got back home from KodachiKun and I could say that I was a bit disappointed by the convention. But on the other hand I was at the Con this spring and that was much bigger, grander and organised. I didn't got to see the cosplay show, since me and my friends were out for dinner at that moment, and I think that is mostly why I didn't really feel like I fitted in. It could also be that I'm getting older and don't fit the screaming, jumping fourteen years old girl standard anymore, I just have bigger demands now. But here comes my first Vlog, about yeah KodachiKun.

It's scary to hear yourself talking on a video. I sound so... girly. Let me know if you want to see more vlogs, I'll probably will do them anyway.

Översättning: Jag var på KodachiKun för två veckor sen och ja, det var nog inte det bästa konventet jag varit på. Mest för att det kändes rätt så rörigt. Det kan också bero på att jag har blivit lite äldre och även kommer ihåg hur det var i våras på det underbara KodachiCon. Jag fick aldrig sett cosplaytävling (sett den i efterhand på youtube) och det brukar vara det bästa.

Men här är i alla fall min första videologg, dock på engelska, om just det: KodachiKun.