La première partie était assurée par un groupe d'électro nantais très sympathique, Minitel Rose, que je vous invite à découvrir expressément.
En ce qui concerne Tellier, quelle agréable surprise! Même si les influences des Daft Punk sont parfois perceptibles, Tellier garde un style très personnel qui tient plus d'une philosophie de la musique. Des morceaux électros tous plus excellents les uns que les autres se sont succédés durant une heure et demi nous clouant plus d'une fois sur nos sièges!
Koyo, qui ne connaissait pas du tout l'artiste, me gratifie à présent de Kilometer et Une Heure trente fois par week end. Merci Seb!
June the 5th, Koyo and me went to our small local concert hall called L'Olympic to see SébastienTellier 's concert. I've heard that he is well known in some foreign countries like Great Britain (waiting for you to confirm or not ;) ). At the very basis, I had bought the tickets to see this phenomenon (because Tellier is quite a weird guy but really fun still). I only knew the song that he sang at Eurovision 2008 called Divine and that a Daft Punk member had worked with him on his last album (I love Daft Punk).
An electronic music band from Nantes began the concert : Minitel Rose. I invite you to discover their work asap.
As far as Tellier is concerned, what a good surprise! Even if we can feel Daft Punk' style sometimes, Tellier keeps is own style. But talking about music philosophy would be more accurate. Awesome electronic songs came one after another during one hour and a half. We were stunned a lot of time actually.
Koyo did not know the artist before seeing the concert, and now she keeps puting Kilometer and Une heure all day long. Thank you Sébastien!
An electronic music band from Nantes began the concert : Minitel Rose. I invite you to discover their work asap.
As far as Tellier is concerned, what a good surprise! Even if we can feel Daft Punk' style sometimes, Tellier keeps is own style. But talking about music philosophy would be more accurate. Awesome electronic songs came one after another during one hour and a half. We were stunned a lot of time actually.
Koyo did not know the artist before seeing the concert, and now she keeps puting Kilometer and Une heure all day long. Thank you Sébastien!
La bêtise est un cadeau - BE BAKA!