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I'm a Swede and I enjoy cosplayer

I'm a Swede and I enjoy cosplay.
This costume is by no means completed at this moment. I rushed it so I could get some nice photos with my Light at Anime Matsuri, but alas he never cosplayed Light at the con. Hopefully when I complete this costume he will want to get some nice photos together. <3

I made the shirt, but it still needs the trim added to the hems of the shirt and sleeves and the shirt overall needs to be taken in a bit. The skirt is a stand in, plain a-line skirt since I have not yet finished the real one which will have the pointed(I guess that's what I could call it..? ) hem. I have the fabric, but not the time before the con. ;_;

Thanks so much to Sypris's mom for doing my hair and makeup. I really wish my hair was longer for this cosplay since I really do not want to use a wig for this. Plus, I know my roots need to be colored again. Monnnneyyy. >>

I really love this costume, even if it is not completed at all. I love the character of Misa so much. <33 It's so fun being annoying to all the Light cosplayers. Muahahaha.

Thank you so much Logan(Wish) for making my Death Note. <33

Costume avatar by Sypris..because she rocks.