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Ryeain :
Yes, 'Hell Comes Swiftly' is indeed a piece that make me stares longer and saying the angle is perfect. There's strong yet soft side of this photo, the flow of the scarf captured is my favorite part of the whole photo. And the other piece 'Encore', amazed me as if time stopped for a second and has the movie feel of it.. serious LOVE!!~ Love how he tend to play with different lighting throughout his photography *thumbsup!

Photos by Kazex

Ryea : What type of camera do you use ?

I use a Canon 5d Mark2 right now.
Some of my earlier pictures were lit using flashguns, but i've moved on to strobes by Elinchrom now. All my pictures have been processed only with Lightroom 2/3. Sadly i don't know how photoshop works.

Ryea : What inspires you to start photography?

I started around 2 years ago, when i was 17.
Back then it was the school holidays, and i didn't feel like staying at home just playing video games, so i decided to try photography. My first purchase was a clunky Praktica MTL-50 - back then i was only interested in B&W film photography.

It wasn't easy because i didn't have any friends nor anyone else i knew who was interested in photography back then. I learn everything through books, magazines and the internet.

Ryea : What makes you to continue in photography with passion?
In photography, everyone has to develop their own signature style and look.
Once i mastered my technical, i proceeded onto the next step, finding an identity for myself and my photography.

An identity stretches beyond simply how a picture looks.
It's born of a photographer's instinct, taste, and philosophy. I always liked art, but could never draw well with a pen. Being able to reproduce the visuals i can envision in my head excites me every tim i pick up the camera. I slowly found myself addicted to photography and how both complex and simple the art form can become, pushing the boundaries between what other photographers think can or cannot be done.

Ryea : Which is your most satisfied/favorite shot so far?

That would be Hell Comes Swiftly
or Encore coming in at a close second.

Ryea : Which photo you've taken is the most challenging to you? why?

That would be Encore.
Both me and the cosplayer were standing underneath falling water at a fountain, with our legs soaked shin-deep in the water. The longer we stayed there, the more water would get on my lens and equipment. So it had to be done very quickly.

Ryea : What's your goal achievement in photography?
To be a Hasselblad Master.
Every year, the prestigious Hasselblad brand holds a competition for different genres/categories of photography for photographers all over the world.

Ryea : Who do you look up to or inspires you?
Tommy Oshima ,
Henri Cartier Bresson,
and various painters around the world, such as Kazu Shimura

Ryea : Any advise to those are new starter or interested in photography?

Photography is a long, thought-out process.
Certain images may be created in ways which are more than meets the eye. Simple pictures can be created with much complication, and complicated pictures can be created with simplicity. There is no right or wrong as to what you use to recreate your visions, but only one's principle behind each picture.

Our pictures are all valued in different ways - do you know what makes yours?

Ryea : Lastly, what do you think about Let's Cosplay this blog?

It's a great site with comprehensive features and such ^^

Thanks so much Kazex !!~