Blog Archive

On vacation

Yes, I'm away for a while and have been away for a while as well. I got a job and slept alot and then I took the train and went visit a friend and I still haven't gotten home. I will in the following week so I can come home scanning my upcoming tutorial.

On Wednesday I will finally post part 1 of my high waisted tutorial, which will contain the pattern making. And then part 2, which contains all the sewing will follow in the end of the week, if I don't have too work.

Other than that, I will go to a medieval fair in the end of august. And me and a friend of mine have been appointed seamstresses for the rest of my gang as only one one of us have a outfit. That will be really fun since the fair accept clothes from early 500 till 16th Century. That is a lot of years to cover and many fashions to look in to.

But now I'm going back to my vacation and see what's going to happen today. ^^