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On the road again!

Après une longue absence d'une semaine pour des raisons multiples et variées, voici une petite photo cosplay en attendant les prochaines du shooting Horror du 19 avril MOUAHAHAHAH!


Since I have been quite busy these days for many reasons, I put a new cosplay pic at last before the upcoming Horror shooting pics (04/19) MWAHAHAHAH!

Character: Chii
Anime: Chobits
Cosplayer: Koyo
Photo credits: DLG

La bêtise est un cadeau. BE BAKA!

Vampire Knight: Ichijou Takuma

vampire knight cosplay - ichijou takuma

A noble vampire who is vice-president of the Night Class, Ichijou Takuma lacks the “dark aura” commonly seen in most vampires, making him seem more human than others. Even though he is close friends with Kuran Kaname, the president and noble pure blood, his grandfather unfortunately has a grudge against Kaname, making Takuma often choose between friendship and family.

Vampire Knight is an excellent series. So far, the first few episodes are very promising. And this cosplay does it justice.

Uchiha - Naruto - Casual Cosplay

This was just something I suddely felt that I had to do to make this old worn out t-shit new again. Made with transpher-papper and the iron. So know I can walk around make people jealous because I´m in the Uchiha-clan.

Inuyasha: Sesshomaru

inuyasha cosplay - sesshomaruSesshomaru is the older half-brother of Inuyasha. He is a full fledged Inu Yokai (Dog Demon, literal translation), and is usually stoic and hard to read.In the beginning of the series, he is a ruthless enemy of Inuyasha, wanting to take the Tetsusaiga from him, but Sesshomaru soon becomes compassionate towards Jaken, his servant, and Rin, an orphaned human who showed him kindness while he was injured.

This is a really beautiful cosplay of my favorite yokai of the series! He looks so peaceful, sleeping by the tree. No wonder Rin took a liking to him the moment she saw him.

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Gyakuten Saiban 4: Garyu Kyouya

gyakuten saiban 4 / ace attorney apollo justice cosplay - garyu kyouya / klavier gavin

The young and dashing prosecutor of the 4th series (commonly referred to as “Apollo Justice”), Kyouya became a prosecutor at the age of 17. He is also the leader of a rock band known as “The Gavinners”, which is entirely made of people who are in one way or another, connected to law enforcement.

This is one hot cosplay. 8) I must wear shades… Although I wish the cosplayer would smile a little, since Kyouya is known for his signature smile.

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Get Backers: Fuchoin Kazuki

get backers cosplay - fuchoin kazukiThe scion of the noble Fuchoin family, Kazuki is often mistaken for a girl being that his fighting abilities emphasize on “grace”. His feminine looks come as an advantage to his job as an information seeker, making him one of the most knowledgeable characters in the series. He is often naive when it comes to the people he chooses to associate with, because he trusted Saizou Tofuin and Uryuu Toshiki even after they betrayed him. This undying form of trust is also what makes his true friends stay loyal to him. He uses koto strings as his primary weapon, and is so good that he is given the title “Prince of Fear”.

Obviously, this is a girl cosplaying Kazuki, but the characters does look and act like a girl anyway. Wonderful cosplay!

Gensomaden Saiyuki: Cho Hakkai

gensomaden saiyuki / journey to the west cosplay - cho hakkaiProbably the most level-headed member of the group, Cho Hakkai is the 4th Member of Genjo Sanzo’s group. He is formerly known as Cho Gonou, a school teacher who loves children and his beloved Kanan. Unfortunately, his life changed significantly when Kanan was kidnapped by the Hyakugenmaoh, a demon tribe.

He attempted to rescue her and was successful in killing of a thousand yokai (demons), turning himself into a demon as well. However, his rescue ended in failure as Kanan killed herself in front of him, saying that she is no longer worthy of him for carrying the child of a demon within her.

A sad story, but Hakkai eventually found solace with Sanzo’s party. He’s usually the one who has to make sure everything is in order and that the other members don’t end up killing each other. His demonic self is controlled by the 3 ear bands he wears on his left ear. Once removed, he is said to have enough power to rival Goku’s.

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Sakura Taisen: Maria Tachibana

sakura taisen / sakura wars cosplay - maria tachibanaMaria Tachibana, the original leader of the Hanagumi, is the only one with prior experience of military warfare. Having witnessed her captain and father figure sacrifice himself to save their troop, she became emotionally cold and desired to work alone. This earned her the title of “Kazuar”, which means phoenix in the Russian Revolutionary War.

Very impressive. I love the details in the uniform and her beautiful hair! All that’s left is her signature weapon, the revolver.

En noir et blanc...

Un dessin réalisé par Koyo cette année sur le thème des con- trastes.
Le dessin de gauche est inspiré d'un artwork de Yoshitaka Amano (FFI) et les trois autres de plusieurs gravures de Gustave Doré.

Pointes tubulaires Rotring 0,2/ 0,4/ 0,6 millimètres

This is a drawing realised this year by Koyo. The purpose was to work on contrasts.
The drawing on the left is inspired from an artwork by Yoshitaka Amano (FFI) and the other three come from various engravings by Gustave Doré.

Tube-shaped pike 0,2/ 0,4/ 0,6 millimeters

La bêtise est un cadeau. BE BAKA!

En roooooouuuuuuge et noir

Une peinture de Freya de Chobits réalisée par Koyo en Première.

Vernis acrylique


A Freya painting (character from Chobits) realised by Koyo in high school.

Acrylic varnish

La bêtise est un cadeau. BE BAKA!

Tekken 5: Kazama Asuka

tekken 5 cosplay - kazama asukaMore commonly known as the cousin of Kazama Jin, Asuka is a brash, arrogant girl who has strong confidence in her fighting abilities. As a young child, she is trained by her father taught her the Kazama-style Traditional Martial Arts. She is a vigilante of sorts, who prefers to stop fights by “knock out”, although in the Play Station 2’s Tekken 5 opening, she’s seen saving a little kitty. She enters the Tekken 5 tournament in order to redeem her dojo and get her revenge.

Cute cosplayer of Asuka! Really like her hair and outfit. I know a lot of Tekken fans will be pleased.

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Yu Yu Hakusho: Youko Kurama 02

yu yu hakusho cosplay - youko kuramaHow many Kurama’s have plagued this blog? I think I may have lost count… Being that he has 2 forms (ok, 3 including his full fox form), and he’s one of the most popular characters in the Yu Yu Hakusho series, I’m not surprised so many cosplayers portrayed him.

I suppose people will complain about the usage of fake roses as opposed to real ones… But, I don’t think real roses can be arranged to intertwine that way, can it? You have to admit though, the pose and the expression on Youko’s face is absolutely gorgeous. Probably one of my most favorite cosplays of him so far! Nice job!

Cosplay un jour...

And me! =)

Character: Freya
Anime: Chobits
Copslayer: Eme
Photo credits: DLG

La bêtise est un cadeau. BE BAKA!

Cosplay again

Et une nouvelle photo de Koyo!


Here is a new
Koyo pic! ;)

Character: Chii
Anime: Chobits
Cosplayer: Koyo
Photo credits: DLG

La bêtise est un cadeau. BE BAKA!

Saiunkoku Monogatari: Shi Ryuki

saiunkoku monogatari / color cloud palace cosplay - shi ryukiShi Ryuki is the emperor in the series Saiunkoku Monogatari, roughly translated as “Color Cloud Palace”. He is the youngest of 6 brothers and was the most unlikely candidate to become emperor. One could say that he became emperor by default; his 4 brothers ended up killing each for the throne and his beloved Seien, the only who seemed to have cared for him was exiled for treason. This left Ryuki empty and uninterested in politics… That is, until Ko Shurei changed his mind.

Revealing any more would spoil the anime plot, so let me just say that this is a most impressive cosplay of the young emperor. I also apologize for not updating recently… My blog has been giving me some trouble…

Retour au Bled

Jusqu'ici, j'avais tenté de rédiger des articles intéressants et construits. Mais c'est fatiguant!
Voici donc quelques perles orales dues à la fatigue, au stress ou à notre bêtise tout simplement.

La grammaire :

Koyo : Y'a ta traîne qui veste par terre...

Koyo : Je me fous de ma gueule de moi-même!

Eme : Quand la casse elle perche!

Eme : La tourne elle pompe!

Le vocabulaire :

(Dans un restaurant indien à Paris):
Koyo : On est dans un bar à Cheeta ici! (si elle pouvait retrouver Tarzan).

(En parlant de Sephiroth):
Eme : Franchement, il a les cheveux trop longs!
Koyo : Mais t'as vu ce qu'il a sur le torse? QUELLE TABLATURE!

Koyo à Eme : Tu as des douleurs post-chromatiques. (déformation professionnelle).

Koyo : Faudrait qu'on en refesse!

Koyo : Je te pisse à l'arrêt! (c'est sûr que c'est plus pratique).

Eme : Il n'y a pas idée d'avoir une bouche pareil! Il faudrait qu'on le décabouche! (terme galvaudé pour la décapitation bucale).

Koyo : Ah! Une rétrospection! ( rétrospective inside).

Les expressions :

(En parlant d'Anthony Delon, héros d'un téléfilm de série Z)
Koyo : C'est un homme fatal version femme! (comprendre : homme fatal).

Koyo : Tu me mets la bouche à l'oreille.......ou l'eau à la bouche plutôt. (elle a une fonction correcteur automatique, et ça c'est bien)

(En parlant d'un jeune homme un peu trop romantique)
Koyo : Il fait son carré bleu! Euh rose bleue! Non plus.... AH! SA FLEUR BLEUE!

Koyo : Je vais lui renvoyer le médaillon (comprendre : je vais lui renvoyer l'ascenseur et il aura ainsi le revers de la médaille).

Les contractions :

(Départ pour Nantes pour un état des lieux)
Eme : T'as prit tous les papiers?
Koyo : Quel tout papier?

Eme : Y'a des grelous quand même (contraction de "gros" et de "relous")

Koyo : T'as le tout vêtement? o_O

Miscellaneous :

Lost in Translation :
Citation d'Albel Nox (Star Ocean III) : "I'll crash them all!"
Koyo : Hé! Toi! Le centre commercial! Je vais t'écraser! (avait compris "I'll crash the mall")

Sens des priorités :
(Départ de Nantes et préparation pour la convention Mangacity)
Eme : Je crois que j'ai oublié quelque chose en rapport avec le Cosplay...
Koyo : Je crois que j'ai oublié quelque chose de plus important (moment d'intense réflexion). AH OUI! La brioche!

Do you speak good french?
Koyo à Julie : T'as une tête de République Tchèque! (tu nous en diras tant).

On a dit qu'on n'était pas intéressées!
Eme (qui attend son bulletin ): On a jamais de courrier à part la quittance de loyer!
Koyo : Encore? On en a tout le temps de ces trucs là!

Vous avez dit S.M?
Koyo (parlant d'un shooting) : "J'aimais pas ça mais je me laissais faire!".

Dyslexique de la flèche:
Koyo, très sûre de ce qu'elle sait : "Le pump c'est plus facile que le DDR, y'a moins de directions!". OH BEN OUI!

La bêtise est vraiment un cadeau. BE BAKA!

Un peu de Fantasy

Voici une autre peinture faite pour le plaisir: Eiko Carol de Final Fantasy IX .
Artwork original de Yoshitaka Amano Sensei.



Here is another random painting: character Eiko Carol from Final Fantasy IX.
Original artwork by Yoshitaka Amano Sensei.


cdsfsdfdvfscsdqsbhjcxwcsdfdsfqjfdLa bêtise est un cadeau. BE BAKA!

Mise au Green

Un dessin pour le plaisir: Sybille du film Kingdom of Heaven interprétée par Eva Green.

Crayons 2B, 4B, 6B


A random drawing: Eva Green as the character Sybille from Kingdom of Heaven.


La bêtise est un cadeau. BE BAKA!

Bleach: Ulquiorra Schiffer

bleach cosplay - ulquiorra schiffer The quiet, over-analytical arrancar who ranks 4th in the Espada, Ulquiorra is melancholic and seems to be uninterested in unnecessary battles, keeping his hands in his pockets for most of the battle. Like all arrancar, he possesses a “hollow hole”, the place where his spirit chain once was, on his chest. He has a habit of finishing off his opponents by stabbing them in the same area as his hollow hole.

A very impressive cosplay of Ulquiorra that I found on Flickr. It may look like he’s crying but those are just marks on his face. Not too sure what they’re suppose to mean though.

Vid et musique

What is AMV?

AMV est l'abréviation du terme anglais "Anime Music Video". Une dénomination qui en dit long puisque réaliser un AMV consiste à monter des extraits vidéos, provenant le plus souvent d'animes, en synchronisation avec une bande-son (générallement une musique ou une chanson). Le résultat final se présente comme un vidéo-clip classique d'une durée de 1.30 à 7 minutes.
Durant le montage, il est possible de recourir à des effets comme le fondu, le flou, l'accélération ainsi qu'à la retouche d'image. Parmi les logiciels couramment utilisés pour clipper, nous retiendrons notamment Premiere, Virtual Dub, Sony Vegas, After Effects ou encore AviSynth mais le clippeur débutant a commencé son apprentissage sur...Oui vous au fond de la salle...Windows Movie Maker bien sûr (ce qui est tout à fait normal au demeurant).

Je vous invite donc à faire un tour sur amvdefans et animemusicvideos pour découvrir de vrais petits bijoux.

Et en attendant, il va falloir que je travaille dur...

AMV is the abbreviation for "Anime Music Video". Its major purpose is to set various clips mainly coming from animes with a music or a song. The final stuff's format is like a classic music video lasting from 1:30 to 7 mins. While doing the montage, it is possible to ad dissolved, blur or acceleration effects. Among the softwares used to create AMVs, we can find Premiere, Virtual Dub, Sony Vegas, After Effects or AviSynth but the beginning AMV Maker normally starts with...Guess what?...Windows Movie Maker of course (and it's kinda normal).

Thus, I invite you to check those sites out to discover some treasures: amvdefans and animemusicvideos.

For the time being, I have a lot of work to do to improve my level...

La bêtise est un cadeau. BE BAKA!

Second Cosplay

Et voici donc le second Cosplay réalisé par Koyo en juillet 2007. Le blond lui va plutôt bien, non?


And here is the second Cosplay realised by Koyo in july 2007. A blond wig suits her well, doesn' it?

Character: Chii
Anime: Chobits
Cosplayer: Koyo
Photo credits: DLG

La bêtise est un cadeau. BE BAKA!

First Cosplay

Voici le premier Cosplay réalisé par Koyo en juin 2007. Certes, porter une robe aussi longue fait rêver beaucoup de filles mais dans un soucis de praticité...c'est une expérience que j'éviterai de renouveler trop souvent!

Je tiens par ailleurs à remercier DLG pour les photos et son superbe travail.

(Je suis méconnaissable avec cette perruque o_o).


Here is the first Cosplay done by Koyo in june 2007. Of course, wearing such a dress is the dream of many girls but still... I will try not to wear this kind of Cosplay too often!

Besides, I would like to thank DLG for the photos and his great work.

( I am just unrecognisable with this wig o_o).

Character: Freya
Anime: Chobits
Copslayer: Eme
Photo credits: DLG

La bêtise est un cadeau. BE BAKA!

Shall we dance?

What is DDR?

Dance Dance Revolution (ダンスダンスレボリューション, dansudansu reboryūshon en japonais), ou DDR a été crée par Konami en 1998. Originellement, le jeu se destinait aux salles d'arcade mais il est désormais possible d'avoir des pistes en métal ou des tapis en tissu chez soi et de jouer sur sa télé grâce à une console de jeu lambda ou sur PC ou Mac.

Il me semble que DDR est le jeu le plus simple du monde...dans la théorie. Le principe est le suivant: quatre flèches transparentes en guise de repères en haut de l'écran et des flèches (oranges sur la photo) qui "montent" jusqu'à ces repères. Le but est d'appuyer avec le pied sur la flèche correspondante au moment ou la flèche orange se superpose à la flèche transparente, le tout formant une chorégraphie en accord avec le "beat" de la musique. Le jeu peut également être pratiqué avec les doigts (mais c'est beaucoup moins drôle évidemment...).
La difficulté s'échelonne souvent ainsi: beginner/ light/ standard/ expert. Mais on préfère souvent parler en nombre de pas ou feet, ces feet allant de 1 à 10 (voire au delà pour les extraterrestres), 1 étant le niveau le plus basique et 10 vous faisant vivre 1min30 de souffrances.
DDR a bien évidemment ses titres phares comme Afronova, Butterfly, Maxx Unlimited, Paranoïa...

La théorie (bien sûr que j'ai choisi la musique au hasard):

La pratique (ce sont des pros je vous rassure...):

La bêtise est un cadeau. BE BAKA!

L'esprit léger

Sujet de Première: le corps en mouvement.


A high school subject: the body in motion.


La bêtise est un cadeau. BE BAKA !

L'heure est à l'inauguration!

Premier entracte artistique

Sur ce blog, je présenterai aussi les dessins de Koyo, actuellement étudiante en classe préparatoire option Arts Appliqués à l'école Pivaut à Nantes. L'intéressée se destine pour le moment à l'illustration de livres.

Autoportrait de Dürer
Encre de Chine non diluée et lavis


On this blog, I will display Koyo's drawings. She is currently studying arts in the Pivaut school - Nantes. She aims at illustrating books.

Dürer self-portrait
Indian Ink

La bêtise est un cadeau. BE BAKA !

What is Cosplay?

Venons-en donc au fait ! Qu'est-ce que le Cosplay?

Le Cosplay (コスプレou kosupure en japonais) est l'abréviation de "costume" et "play", pratique consistant à porter les vêtements d'un personnage de manga, d'anime, de jeux-vidéo, de Visual Kei et par extension de cinéma et de comics, et en incarnant son rôle.

Ça c'était pour le côté facile. Mais comment cela se manifeste-t-il en France?
Et bien dans les conventions dédiées au Japon et à sa culture comme Japan Expo, Epitanime, Manga Expo, Mangacity...

Le costume doit être fait à la main et le cosplayer (nous avons une dénomination si si) expose son costume lors d'une prestation en solo ou en groupe, en concours ou en libre avec un accompagnement musical, vidéo etc...

Je présenterai donc sur ce blog divers Cosplays témoignant du réel talent de certains d'entre eux en précisant si possible le nom du personnage et la série ou J.V d'où il provient.


I'll try to make a quick but pretty exhaustive presentation of Cosplay for the foreigners.

Cosplay is the abbreviation of two english words : "Costume" and "Play" (please pronounce コスプレor kosupure in japanese). Its main purpose is to wear clothes coming from a manga, anime, video game, Visual Kei, movie or comics character and playing his/her/its part.

That was for the easy part of the stuff. Indeed, the costume has to be handmade. Then you will be able to present it at a convention, alone or with other cosplayers during a short show (with music, video...).

On this blog, I will try to show the great talent of several cosplayers.

Character: Rikku
Video Game: Final Fantasy X-2
Cosplayer's name: Unknown

La bêtise est un cadeau. BE BAKA !

Au début, il n'y avait rien...

Et Be-baka n'a rien arrangé !

Bienvenue sur Be-baka, le blog Cosplay, DDR, dessins et AMV d'Eme et Koyo. Vous y trouverez nos dernières news, des articles à propos d'autres sujets que nous aurons jugé d'intérêt public (ou pas...).
N'hésitez pas bien sûr à laisser vos commentaires et réflexions philosophiques sur ces thèmes d'une profondeur insoupçonnée (car insoupçonnable...).
Je tiens par ailleurs à remercier Mickaël pour la bannière réalisée à partir d'un brief tellement complet!

En vous souhaitant bonne navigation!

P.S: si vous détectez des fautes (orthographe ou autre), faites-m'en part. =)

Welcome on Be-baka, Eme and Koyo's Cosplay, DDR, drawings and AMV blog. There, you will find our latest news and articles about other interesting subjects.
Do not hesitate to comment on those topics. If you want to communicate with us, you can use either english, spanish, chinese or japanese (but a simple japanese please ><). Besides I would like to thanks Mickaël for the job he did on our banner (done with a so complete briefing!) Hoping you'll enjoy it! P.S: if you find some mistakes (in my english or something), please tell me. =)
La bêtise est un cadeau. BE BAKA !

Rurouni Kenshin: Hitokiri Battousai 03

rurouni kenshin cosplay - hitokiri battousai

I’ve featured 3 different cosplayers of Hitokiri Battousai so far (you can see the other two here and here), though this is only the 2nd solo picture I found of him.

Although this cosplayer is obviously a girl, I really like the way she did her hair. This image reminds me of the time when the war of the Tokugawa era was already finished, and Kenshin decided to wander on his own for 10 years. Call it soul searching if you will.

Beautiful cosplay. The sword she’s holding looks real too. Great job!

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Bleach: Ukitake Jushiro

bleach cosplay - ukitake jushiro A sickly man well loved for his loyalty and sense of personal sense of justice, Ukitake Jushiro is the captain of the 13th division of Gotei 13. He is the eldest son with five brothers and two sisters whom he supports by himself. He rarely plays his role as the captain of the 13th squad and instead had his Lieutenant, Kaien do the work for him under his guidance.

Sadly, Kaien killed himself in the hands of Rukia, because Kaein didn’t want his possessed body to kill any Shinigami. Since then, the 13th division was never the same again.

I like long haired bishounens… That’s why this image is so powerful to me. Though I’m thinking this cosplayer is a girl again… How sad…

Saiunkoku Monogatari: Shi Seiran

saiunkoku monogatari cosplay / color cloud palace cosplay - she seiranThe exiled second brother of the emperor, Shi Ryuki, Shi Seiran, or Prince Seien, is a secretive man who is stubborn and not easily threatened by power. This, as well as his excellent swordsmanship and intellectual superiority made him the “flower” of the royal princes. He and his mother were exiled because his maternal grandfather conspired to make him the next emperor. This plot almost caused him his life, since the other royals who were fighting for the throne sent assassins to kill him.

Miraculously, he was spared from certain death. He was then taken in by the Ko household and became part of their family. It is because of this kindness that he has devoted his life to protecting the Ko Household, especially the daughter, Ko Shurei.

It’s so sad that Shurei and Seiran are not a couple. :( I want them to end up together, not Ryuki… But anyway, this is a really nice cosplay of Seiran, even if the cosplayer is a girl. 8)

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